Saturday, November 3, 2007

Multimedia Learning Objects...

Subject Area: Mathematics

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Learning Object URL:

Description of Learning Object: The learning object that I would employ would be the ‘pattern game’. It utilizes Shockwave animation and is an Interactive Media game. This game allows students to identify and recognize pattern sequences, and subsequently complete the rest of the sequence.

Description of Integration Idea: This learning object on pattern sequences could be simultaneously integrated into a Mathematics class and a computer class, as it incorporates both curricular subjects and utilizes basic problem solving skills. Patterns would, of course, need to have been thoroughly introduced to students before hand.

Planning and Preparation: Firstly, I would make sure that current and compatible Shockwave technology had been downloaded; in order to ensure that class time was as productive as possible. I would also make sure that I had an allotted time to be in the computer lab! Furthermore, I would certainly have discussed pattern sequences before class (perhaps read a story about patterns, get students to create patterns using manipulatives in pairs etc.), and would do a demonstration of how the game works on the chalkboard or do an online demonstration for everyone to see. If students were finished early, they could proceed to drawing and re-creating their own pattern.

Subject General Learner Outcome: Students will identify and create patterns.
Subject Specific Learner Outcome: Students will recognize and reproduce a pattern, using actions and manipulatives.

ICT Outcome: Students will critically assess information through the use of a variety of technologies.